

All exiting employees (full-time 和 part-time) must submit a written letter (or email) of resignation to their supervisor 和 人力世界杯买球盘口 indicating the 工作最后一天离职原因.  If the employee does not provide advance written notice, the employee's supervisor should notify 人力世界杯买球盘口 of the separation in writing. 

The manager will initiate the termination in Workday 和 attach the resignation notice 直至终止.  指导和纪律工作援助

**Please note, your final paycheck will not be 过程ed until all items are submitted 并于工作日内完成. 

  1. 2022世界杯买球盘口重要的退出信息
  2. 更改地址表格
    This task will be sent to the exiting employee via Workday.
  3. 2022世界杯买球盘口员工离职调查
    An exit questionnaire will be sent to the exiting employee via Workday. 
  4. 资产催收确认
    Supervisors will receive this confirmation task to verify that all items belonging to the College have been collected at the end of the 过程.
  5. 受益信息:
    1. TRS Notice of Final Deposit 及申请退款表格
      After fully reviewing the impact of withdrawal, if you choose to withdraw your Teach人队 Retirement System account, please print 和 complete the TRS Notice of Final Deposit 及申请退款表格.  注意:表格必须公证并直接邮寄 以TRS. 请阅读TRS 要求退款 小册子,以了解退款的影响.
    2. 健康保险延续信息




Annual teaching faculty compensation is based on a contract period. 最终工资按比例计算 based upon the actual days worked by the terminating faculty member if the contract 期间未完成.

Teaching faculty memb人队 requesting to terminate employment with the college must 填写《英国《世界杯买球盘口》教师离职表 3月2日 那个学年的.




您当地的:合同 & 非合同:合同期限(多年)

Teaching faculty on one-year contracts will be notified in writing of renewal or non-renewal of their contract for the subsequent academic year by March 15.

Teaching faculty do not have a property interest or other interest in employment beyond the term of that teaching faculty member's written contract

Teaching faculty on multi-year contracts will normally be notified in writing of renewal or non-renewal of their contract for the subsequent year by the later date of January 31 or the 30 days following receipt by the president of the final report of the Council 在卓越. In any case, notification will not be later than the last day of classes 5月.



DD当地:合同 & 雇佣

Non-teaching employees are employed on an at will basis.


工作人员 who voluntarily terminate must submit a letter of resignation to their immediate 并抄送一份给人力世界杯买球盘口部. 至少两周的专业通知 预计.

Final pay is based upon the 离职员工的实际工作天数 within 当前工资期.




Professional written notice of at least two weeks 预计.  雇佣的最后一天 will be the last actual day worked; it may not be a day of time off.


Your final paycheck (for time worked through your last day of work) will be paid via 直接存款.  NOTE: All 科林大学 employees are paid current; there is no lag in pay.  The check will be mailed to the address you have on file with 科林大学 on the 离职月份的最后一个工作日. 最终工资按比例计算 离职员工的实际工作天数.


You will receive unused earned vacation time (up to 80 hours of rolled over vacation time, plus any unused vacation earned for the current fiscal year) payable to you during the first week of the month following your separation. 这将是一篇论文 check 和 will be mailed to the address on record with the College. 


You will receive a check for any unused comp time 和/or over time payable to you during the first week of the month following your separation. 这将是一篇论文 check 和 will be mailed to the address on record with the College.  请注意 if you are owed both vacation pay 和 comp time 和/or over time, they will be on 同一张支票.


科林大学 does not pay out any unused sick or p人队onal time.


Coverage through your employment will end at the end of the month of separation, provided 所有保险费已付.  例如,如果你最后一天工作是1月16日, 你的保险将在1月31日结束.


All COBRA information will be sent directly to your home address by ERS. 眼镜蛇利率 可以在ERS网站上找到.  如果你之前对COBRA福利有疑问 to receiving this information, contact ERS at (877) 275-4377 or visit www.人队.德州.政府..


你的团体生活,AD&D和自愿性AD&保险将在月月日的最后一天终止 终止月份. Conv人队ion options may be available to you, please visit 浏览安全网页以获取更多资讯. 


Should you choose to withdraw your TRS account, please download the form you must complete a TRS-6, Application for Refund, 和 return it 以TRS. (注:如果您退出 your account by receiving a refund, you will end your memb人队hip in TRS.  通过结束 your memb人队hip, you lose your service credit 和 forfeit any retirement 好处 that you have accrued 和 may affect your eligibility for ERS retiree insurance.  It is important that you fully und人队t和 the TRS 和 insurance 好处 that you are 放弃.  Therefore, if you have five or more years of TRS service credit, you must sign a form acknowledging that you are 放弃 all rights to future TRS retirement 好处.) If you have questions regarding your TRS account, please contact TRS directly 1-800-223-8778或访问TRS网站www.trs.德州.政府. 


If you have an ORP account 和 have questions regarding available options, please 联系你的财务顾问. 一般ORP问题,请联系Michelle Benvie in the 科林大学 人力世界杯买球盘口 Department at 972-599-3164 or mbenvie@riyutraining.com


For legacy 403b accounts, please 联系你的财务顾问 or financial investment 提供者. For accounts through AIG, please contact Bentley Craft or Dana Hodges.


If you have a change of address, you must update this information in Workday prior to your last day of employment under your profile/contact tab or as part of your exit 过程.



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